Quality and traceability

As a company devoted to peanut processing, aware that its activities may have an environmental impact, and considering its responsibility in protecting and preserving it, SERVICIOS AGROPECUARIOS SRL commits itself, through the following environmental policy, to:
Develop an Environmental Policy by setting up a structured and documented Environmental Management System that allows to reach previously-set environmental goals and objectives, and keep in mind on-going improvements.
Comply with current laws and regulations, and with any other commitments taken voluntarily.
Become and stay aware of environmental aspects that result from the company’s activity, eliminating or reducing those which have a negative impact, therefore preventing polution and preserving the environment.
Revise and update our Environmental Policy periodically.
Publish and communicate the Environmental Policy to all stakeholders.
This policy is communicated and implemented on every organizational level.
- Human Resources
- Contact Sales Manager After-sales Service
- Claims and Suggestions
Human Resources Department:
(54-353) 4960348 - rrhh@servagrop.com.ar
Sales Manager After-sales Service:
(54-353) 4960348 - servagrop@servagrop.com.ar
Claims and Suggestions:
(54-353) 4960348 - rse@servagrop.com.ar